Well not really in my butt, but in my ankle.  When you are all alone it’s also in the butt.  I fell down 7 concrete steps last night.  I am actually lucky, it could have been much worse, more than a sprain.

I iced it all last night and decided it might be fine by morning, and I would decide what to do then.  I went to urgent care.  Luckily it’s my left foot, so I can drive.

My ankle after all night on ice

I’m coping.  I moved the laptop to the couch and I am keeping it elevated and iced according to my instructions.  I am not a fan of crutches so I am only up as I need to be.

I did okay today, I had to eat more often because of the Motrin.  I’m not a fan of the stuff, nor is it a fan of me, therefore I only take it with food.

I’m in a removable splint so I will ride out the night then take it off in the AM to see how things look and take a bath.  That will feel good.

Tomorrow I am going to do a squash saute for lunch, if I can stand for that long.  Standing on one foot is tough business when you aren’t used to it.  I got pretty sore and tired doing the dishes tonight.  I had eggs for breakfast, salad for lunch (with lentils) and lentils and a baked potato for dinner.  The baked potato was heaven.  All of it was easy to fix.  Tomorrow I will eat eggs again for breakfast, the squash saute for lunch and dinner (with Tempeh) and then I have enough food for Thursday but will have to go shopping.  I’m searching for a friend to meet at the store to push my cart and help me get the groceries home.