In my own practice I need a specific kind of VA because I want a VA who wants to work with another VA… not a coach or author or online business owner, etc.

I’m not looking for a VA to handle my client work! No, no, no! I want to do that all by myself. I am searching for a VA to help me with my own personal business work.  I already have a business coach and mentor for myself, a book-keeper and an accountant (God only knows what that would look like if I did that myself), and I have an IT/Web VA that manages my website security, updates, plugins, and major changes.

Here are the tasks I am thinking of delegating:

Filing and managing my document retention process:

  • Auditing files and folders
  • Burning archival content to disk or drive
  • Creating Archive folders and archiving content
  • Eliminating content

Getting my blog out:

  • Adding SEO to it according to my process
  • Tagging Photos
  • Posting the blog
  • Sharing on social media

Non-bookkeeping record keeping:

  • Monthly sending and following up on invoices.
  • Logging payments.
  • Sending electronic receipts as needed.

Handing email and voicemail for me (non-client related):

  • RSVPing for events
  • Preparing responses for me to send on my return after a quick review.
  • Eliminating junk mail and unsubscribing from lists I don’t need.

Helping me stay up on what is happening in my communities and networking:

  • What upcoming events might be valuable?
  • Where can I add my insights and help others?
  • What conversations are happening out there that I might be of value to that I may have missed?
  • Who needs to be followed up with and who might be a good new connection I can make?

Helping me track and document my continuing education and professional development.

  • What do I need to take to that educational seminar?
  • What do I need to read before I go that could be helpful?
  • What upcoming seminars in my area might be of value to me?
  • What upcoming events might I want to travel to in my interest areas?
  • What new certifications might be obtained to serve my clients better?
  • What is the agenda? Is there a portion of the day that I don’t need?
  • What do I need to do to obtain a certificate of completion?
  • Is the course tracked in my continuing education system?

Helping with my internal processes:

  • Auditing them with me.
  • Updating documents.
  • Finding lost time and loopholes.
  • Proofreading
  • Testing processes for improvement.

Helping manage external work:

  • Re-branding
  • Content updates
  • New products and services
  • Videos and Clip Art (this stuff takes me forever!)
  • Auditing my business listings out on the web and updating annually.

Step 2 on my path? Getting a clear list of what I want a VA to do.

Does this list help you think about what you could have a VA do for you?  What could you add to my list?

I would love to hear about your list here… would you share it with me?