Dominant: dom·i·nant [ dómmənənt ]
1. in control: in control or command over others
Synonyms: domineering, bossy, overbearing, officious, authoritarian, assertive, forceful
If “dominant” is a word that might be used to describe you, how do you manage this trait within a partnership relationship?
This is a trait that must be kept in check and managed with grace and care within a partnership. Sometimes a dominant personality is helpful when handling areas where the other party is less skilled or more reluctant to move forward. However, it is very important to keep the lines of communication open and the more dominant partner must be mindful not to step on toes, boss, or otherwise alienate those around her.
To manage this trait fully, she should look to the opposite traits: “assistant”, “associate” and work to achieve balance in this area. Dominating a task may be a good thing but dominating a partner is less than ideal.
True partnership starts with the both sides understanding that they each have needs. This allows each individual to share those needs with the other, have them be understood then included in their agreement allowing both parties to succeed. There is no room for domination in this equation.